Monday, April 18, 2011

Favorite Composers

1. John Williams
2. Hans Zimmer
3. Alexandre Desplat
4. Danny Elfman

1. Tchaikovsky
2. Mozart
3. Beethoven
4. Copland

Saturday, April 2, 2011

photos from the Museum of Fine Arts

an awesome exhibit at the Museum of Fine Arts

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Current Projects

1. Ethnography - thanks to Keri Smith
 - I'm studying how people function and what their daily rituals and schedules are
 - also what people use/do on a daily basis
2. The House of Cards - my novel that I have been working on for almost 5 years
3. various short stories
4. using mixed media to document the world around me
5. as always: photography, writing, and music
6. reading Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix

People That Inspire Me

1. Blue Balliett - writer, artist, thinker
2. Keri Smith - explorer, writer, thinker
3. Alexander Calder - extraordinary artist
4. Johann Vermeer - dream like artist
5. The Beatles - each and every one of them
6. Starkid - each and every one of them
7. Charlene Kaye - inspiring songwriter
8. JRR Tolkien - amazing writer
more to come...

Places I Want to Go

1. Paris, France
2. England: London, Liverpool, Woodstock, small towns
3. Every United State
4. Washington DC
5. Canada
6. Spain
7. China or Japan
8. Italy
9. The Caribbean
more to come....

More Photos

Beautiful Dewdrops

This is just one method I want to try for photography: macro.